Recipes from EW Live on SiriusXM – 8/13/19

Bachelor in Paradise

1 1/2 oz Barsol Pisco

3/4 oz honey chili syrup (1:1 honey and warm water + small hot pepper – infused overnight)

1 oz watermelon juice

Top with Q ginger ale

Method: Shake first three ingredients very well with ice and strain over ice into rocks glass. Top off with the ginger ale and toggle.

Garnish: fresh mint leaf


“Creamsicle Cocktail Duo”

National Creamsicle Day is tomorrow!

1) Clarified Creamsicle –

In a mason jar, add:

1 oz Van Gogh Citroen Vodka  1 oz Van Gogh vanilla vodka

2 oz orange juice

1 oz simple syrup

1/2 oz orange curaçao

Combine ingredients, then add 2 oz whole milk to “milk wash”

(Which will “clarify” the drink)

Refrigerate for 12 hours

Remove from fridge and fine strain through cheese cloth

Serve cold over ice.


2) Beer-sicle –

1 oz Van Gogh vanilla  vodka (Infused with 1 cinnamon tea bag for 10 mins)

1 tbsp blood orange (or regular orange)sorbet

1 tbsp vanilla ice cream or soft serve soft serve

Shake well with ice and strain into martini glass. Top off with cold New England style IPA beer

Garnish: freshly grated nutmeg

One comment on “Recipes from EW Live on SiriusXM – 8/13/19

  1. ## Comment SPAM Protection: Shield Security marked this comment as “Pending Moderation”. Reason: Human SPAM filter found “his web” in “comment_content” ##
    I saw a sangria made on tv that was mentioned would be up on this website. Where is it?

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